"Leave No One Behind" Educational Material

In the following material we will have a closer look at what can be considered inclusive design, why it is important, and where design can sometimes fail. We shall take our starting point in a series of films produced by a group of young people. It is important to remember that these films have not been made by professionals and for this reason they may have minor visual errors. All films have been made for Copenhagen Architecture Festival’s project Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind. You can find more films about inclusive design at this link here: https://www.cafx.dk/film-mosaic-2023/watch-film-submissions The material and the films included are centered around issues such as: Who are cities built for? Can everyone live in the city in the same way? What makes a city wellfunctioning for everyone? How do we make sure every group in society can use the city suitably? The title of this project “Leave No One Behind” is borrowed from the UN’s agenda on Sustainable Development. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals meant to make the world a better place for everyone, a wish and promise for everyone to be included. The SDG 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Local Communities’ is especially relevant to the topic of this educational material. The link of the material: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NUGlU3__u95d1D6djEHbePaCTfbgamFR/view?usp=sharing

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